This morning the rain is lightly falling and has been for several hours, 9 ml over night. We have finally settled down after our great news from a few weeks ago. We had another bit of excitement looking at the ultrasound photos and imagining what the different bits were. I was certain it was a boy until Jill said I was looking at the umbilical cord. We are told the next will be a video.
We had a couple of days away with Allison and Chris in Bendigo; I had packed the wheel chair and told Jill we were going to the caravan show. She said that she would stay at Allison’s while I went. When we arrived we came through the rear door of the garage onto their new deck which is almost finished and certainly looks fantastic. I guess by the time I am writing this it will be finished. On Sunday there was a torrential down pour and I thought that we would not be able to go. Finally it cleared and we headed off and with the aid of our disabled sticker on the car were able to park right next to an entrance. I unfolded the wheel chair and of we headed across the wet grass and almost tossed Jill on her front as the front wheels bogged into the very wet grass. I had to pull several times rather than push as we headed to a brick path. It was much easier travelling on solid terrain. There were lots of things to see; just as well Jill has a lock on my wallet. We checked out the wheel chair accessible van. This is designed in Melbourne but surprisingly manufactured in Wangaratta. We met up with another exhibitor from Wangaratta who has invented a coupling that mounts to the A frame of the van and accepts a movable dolly wheel to make moving the van by hand much easier. After a few more near accidents with the wheel chair getting bogged we headed back to Allison’s. After lunch we packed every thing back in the car and headed home. Jessie was at the door to greet us.
This week we had a contractor in to put a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms, it had lost that when we did the conversion for Jill’s ensuite. We also had the doors in our old bedroom replaced. I have painted inside each of the robes, shelves etc. If there is one job I hate it is painting and as usual I finished up with as much paint on me as in the robes. I have arranged for a professional painter to paint the rooms and Jill is picking out colours for the feature walls. He is supposed to start in a couple of weeks so that it will be finished before Christmas. I spent a couple of hours with Jill sorting clothes out of her wardrobe and have a couple of garbage bags full to take to Vinny’s. She finds it hard to part with them. We were watching Oprah a few weeks ago and that had a clutter expert saying how to decide what to throw out. Face the coat hangers one way and every time you use an item reverse the hanger and in 6 to12 months check the coat hangers and make the decision.
I have got all the ingredients mixed for our Christmas cake , well the fruit and sherry are soaking on the bench so I guess under supervision the cake will be mixed and put in the oven today.
Tomorrow we have Jill’s appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon. She is having much more trouble walking, seems to be getting worse each day. I am not sure which is causing the most problem – pain from the knees or the lack of balance from the MSA. She has been having mild pain medication which seems to wear off very quickly. I have been using the walker as a semi wheel chair and taking her to the gym, bedroom and bathroom to avoid her being in so much pain. We hope for some answers tomorrow.
The family tree is still getting some priority and we seem to have gathered some long, long lost relatives. I didn’t know that I could have a “maternal grand father of the husband of a first cousin once removed” but evidently John Park Deed (1833- 1908) is that.
Macca is about to finish so will see you soon on the net.